Thursday, March 24, 2011

25th of March 1821 and HELLENISM

25th of March 1821

Today we celebrate the 25th of March, first because it brought us to our desired freedom and secondly - and very important - we restored our ancient Greek name? What is Hellenism today? How would you answer this question? Semantics could say that Hellenes is our collective name, ie. All Greeks are Hellenes as we say in the Greek Diaspora and we mean all the Greeks living outside of metropolitan Greece. Hellenism, however, is also called the whole of our Greek civilization, which flourished in ancient Greece, declined in Byzantium (dark age) and the Ottoman Empire and seemed to have returned to life on March 25, 1821.

Unfortunately, during the period of decline - for 1500 years - the Greeks remained un- known historically speaking, uncivilized, and in one word non-Hellenic ( anellinistoi ) – even though the Greek language remained alive because it served the establishment - this cultural loss of memory (aphasia) had implications for the new emerging state the Greeks inherited. The Greek people, without an education, without Greek culture, without the knowledge of how to build their new state, was left at the mercy to a small number of educated people - "literate" - puppets of the Christian church - who “molded” the new state to their individual needs and self interests with historical fraud rather than promoting the interests of Hellenism and the Hellenic people.

After the 25 th of march 1821, the fighters of the Revolution of independence took the responsibility to revive the ancient Greek civilization and restore all forms of culture: science, philosophy, architecture, sculpture, theater, logic, dialogue, literature, sports, language, democracy and so much more. All this “Hellenic rebirth” ( ellinogenia ), brought to the surface, the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, that all modern European states founded the basis of their civic and political cultures, and congratulations to them for doing so ! They rejected the opposite view of life that is dogmatic, theocratic and superstitious mysticism. In this way hellenism became a symbol of their progress.

Greece, after the 25th of March 1821, witnessed the tragedy of the Greeks who were in a comatose state without a conscious self-awareness and without historical cultural self-awareness and "left" those who were opposed to allowing the Greeks to establish a state based on ancient Hellenic civilization and culture to achieve the opposite. The sacrifices and heroism of countless Greeks, were ignored and put aside in order to establish a state based on authority and religious intolerance.

Incidently,the great majority of the leaders (heroes) of the independece revolution were jailed,tortured and murdered by the new Christian establishment,so that they could not take power and revive the ancient Greek civilization !

During the Byzantine period - the dark ages,when the clergy ruled - ,the Greeks were violently forced to become Romans (Romie) and were forced to forget their Greek origin and Greek identity. Otherwise you cannot explain them forsaking their ancestors and also to take "pride" in the name of the occupier. No other nation in the world has fallen into such national disgrace and misery. Furthermore, when we freed ourselves, after 1821, we cursed ourselves for the second time and disrespected our ancestors, while all other Europeans called the ancient Greeks lovers of ideas, we called our ancestors "pagans"! And we considered this to be orthodox and "cultivated" and this painful intolerance eats our insides until this day.

What other nation in the world behaved so brutally against their ancestors and still does so by denouncing their ancestors and calling them “pagans” -Ειδωλολατρες-. How can one demonstrate this highly historically inaccurate situation ? Especially now that all the people of our nation proudly and reverently chant the words from our national anthem:

«Απ’τα κόκκαλα βγαλμένα
Των Ελλήνων τα ιερά
Και σαν πρώτα ανδρειωμένη
Χαίρε,ω χαίρε Ελευθεριά» !

Simultaneously and cowardly we are giving strong blows below the waist to these words. On the one hand, we heap the worthiest praise on our ancient forefathers and, on the other, we demonize them and Hellenism every darn day with “ slogans of anathema”. We have become "accustomed" to live with this unprecedented national schizophrenia:
If this is not our national depravity, then what is?
When, after all, will we end this historic disgrace and when will we liberate our Hellenism, which always performs miracles only when it is liberated ?


Another truth about the revolution of independence of 1821 is the following :-

The Greek Orthodox Church had a special relationship with the Ottoman Turkish establishment from day one of the occupation of Constantinople and Greece. The church and its clergy became willing collaborators (traitors) with the occupiers and in return were given many special priveleges by them.

The church was thus totally against the independence movement and issued official declarations of condemnation and excommunication of the revolution and its leaders.
Once independence became a reality the clergy wanted to maintain their power,influence and priveleges in the new emerging Hellenic state. In order to do so they had to erase their shameful legacy of the past by creating a number of myths.


The clergy (Church) kept alive the Greek language by running secret Greek schools (krifo scholio) during the 400 years of Turkish occupation.


There were many legal (operating in openness) primary and secondary schools operating throughout Greece during the occupation.


The independence revolution began on the 25th of March 1821 on the religious day of EVANGELISMOS and that it was officially declared by the bishop PALION PATRON GERMANOS at AGIA LAURA in the presence of 5000 Greeks.


The independence revolution began on the 23rd of March 1821 in KALAMATA, not in Agia Laura. The bishop was not there and he never officially declared the beginning of the independence revolution in front of 5000 Greeks at Agia Laura.

These two myths were created to give the church and its clergy a special place in the history of Greece and a special position in the new state of HELLAS. It also allowed the church through the religious celebration of EVANGELISMOS on the same date to dominate the symbolic day (25th March) of the independence celebrations.

Thus today this national day of celebrations instead of having a pure tremendous exciting feeling of national pride and dignity, feels and looks like a boring religious day and totally overshadows the real significance of the occasion.

The clergy have always under Roman rule and Turkish rule totally dominated and controlled Greek life. Since independence and the re-birth of HELLAS after some 1800 years of foreign occupation the church and its clergy have had a policy of achieving the same power and influence to totally dominate and control Hellenic life wherever there are Greeks in the world.

This is especially evident in the diaspora where the church is using any means at its disposal to totally take-over the ownership of community property and the installation of the dictatorship of the clergy at the expense of the total destruction of the human rights of Greeks and their descendents to be able to make decisions and policies regarding their own and their childrens future.

Once the church takes over the ownership of community property, they also take over the governing powers ( administrative authority ) from the people ie. the members. The community constitution and membership is abolished along with the rights of democratically elected boards and directors of the communities and total decision making powers is placed in the hands of the clergy.

Our democratic rights,our childrens and grand childrens rights etc. are abolished,lost and are eliminated FOREVER !

Once a monopoly of the ownership of churches in a country is achieved,the Archdiocese impose on the faithful a compulsory so called "membership fee"of $200 to $300 or more per adult,per year.If you do not pay,if you are not up to date with these dues,you will not be allowed to have a church funeral when you pass away and you will not be able to officially participate in any way in a wedding ceremony or baptism.

The clergy are experts in enforcing the art of "Terrorist Economic Blackmail"

To achieve all the above mentioned goals,the clergy(the Archdiocese)in the respective Diaspora Communities in the last 100 years, have been assisted in every way possible by successive Greek Goverments and their consular representatives.

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